Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth Of July!!

image Image taken from Clyde’s Movie Palace.

Happy Fourth of July!!

I am so proud to be an American.  I am thankful that I was born in this wonderful country and get to enjoy all the freedoms that I have.  I am thankful that my children have all these same freedoms.  Especially in the last couple of years as we see images of children in war torn countries, and hear stories of them not being allowed to go to school (or deal with other atrocities), I am thankful to be raising my children in the good ol’ United States of America!  I am especially thankful to all the men and women who have fought for our country and for our freedoms.  Their sacrifices have been beyond that which I can imagine, but am eternally thankful for!


I hope this holiday finds you enjoying time with your families and the wonderful festivities that this country puts on! ;)


I am lucky enough to be enjoying a whole weekend of festivities with my whole family.  Today we will top it off by watching the fireworks from the comfort of my parents pool, with smells from the barbeque beckoning us to get out and partake in just one more bite! ;)  Then, I will tuck my precious children into their comfortable beds, in their safe home and remember just how lucky I am for all of it!



PS This holiday also makes me think of the dace Fred Astaire does in the movie Holiday Inn for The Fourth of July!  It’s amazing!  It’s one of my family’s favorite movies ever, but seriously if you haven’t seen this dance you have to!


Image taken from Kevin’s Movie Corner.


Image taken from here.

"On this day of independence, on this independence day"

You’ve got to check this out on YouTube.

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